The boys all went to Strawberry and caught us all these vraw dads so we all got together for a craw dad boil!! They tasted amazing!! Luke seemed to like them....
The baby bedding from the haslers Johanna sewed this bedding for the moses basket and it is adorable!!!! This is me with some good friends nannette and jane the girls all putting together the stroller Hayden's car seat that my best friends got for me Liz made the cutest cowboy cake ever!!! All the great girls that threw my party (my sisters in law, mother in law, and friends) The wonderful food they all made and the darling diaper cake from Erin!!
levi saying hi to his cousin in my tummy.... levi testing the stroller luke testing the car seat levi cuddled up in the moses basket erin with the blanket she made for hayden the crib all set up!! moses basket that johanna made bedding cute!! car seat and stroller my best friends got for me!! exactly what I wanted!!
Well I haven't blogged for about a year now but figured I better start again to keep everyone (espically my daddy) up to date with the new baby coming!.....So all I have for now is a preggo belly pic...